Refund policy.

Depending on the reason requested for the refund of CLS Celebrant services:

Postponement by couple

Notice of Intention to Marry is active for 18 months so the deposit will be held over to new date. For all events, the Couple will be required to pay a postponement fee and this fee is non-refundable. The Couple will be responsible for all other costs involved with postponement including ceremony venue. A new schedule of fees may be issued to cover any increase in costs during this time.

Cancellation by couple

In the event of cancellation of the event no later than 14 days prior to the event, any funds (except the deposit and/or Postponement fee) paid by the Couple will be refunded in full. In the case of air travel or accommodation costs, this will only be refunded if refundable options were selected when booking. In the case of nonrefundable options, these unfortunately cannot be refunded.

In the event of cancellation of the event within 14 days of the event date, the celebrant may refund fees paid by the Couple (except the deposit and/or Postponement fee), depending on the circumstances. A refund in this regard is at the discretion of the Celebrant. In the case of air travel or accommodation costs, this will only be refunded if refundable options were selected when booking. In the case of non-refundable options, these unfortunately cannot be refunded.

Cancellation by Celebrant

In the event that I am unable to attend an event, 100% of funds paid by the Couple will be refunded, including deposit.